UPDATE: Chamber office closes Fridays at 12pm.
New hours of operation: Monday - Thursday 8:30-4PM. Friday 8:30-12PM.
Office hours may vary on weeks there are major events. Please call to schedule an an appointment so we can ensure we are available to assist you.
P: (815)625-4500 // E: sam@rockfallschamber.com
De-Stress to Refresh

We know EVERYONE is stressed! MEGA STRESSED.
You're either trying to do the work of two people or asking your team to work more than ever to meet customers' needs. We get it!
Join us for weekly, simple, 10-minute videos! Reduce that overwhelmed feeling, develop more peace of mind, and stay healthier in high-stress situations.
As a resource to share with your team/employees to help reduce stress and invest in their well-being.
As an individual, at work, or on your own time.
Right where you are - in a workspace, on a lunch break, or at home.
To quickly and simply de-stress and refresh.
Ready to invest 10 minutes for better ____?
You fill in the blank with what dialing down stress would do for you and your team!
Better- focus, health, attitude, productivity, mental outlook, perspective?
Your employees are your most valuable asset. Your investment in lowering their stress levels will help them be better, create a better work environment, and help them feel valued by their employer. You can simply register and forward emails to your team, or register individuals from your staff. We strongly encourage providing time and even incentives for employees to do the videos.
You can register to:
- Receive emails yourself and forward them to your team here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/6HAtP4i/destressleaders
- Or email sam@rockfallschamber.com to send in a list of your employees to receive their own emails.
Everyone needs to take a moment to bring stress down. You can register today for free emails that will provide you with 10-minute instructional videos and resources to help you refresh and be a better version of yourself.
You can register to:
- Receive emails yourself here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/37AQGv5/destress